About Us

Ann and Paul Wykowski
South East Iowa Parrot Rescue
3554 270th. Avenue
Keokuk, IA 52632

Hi, I’m Ann Wykowski, owner and operator of the South East Iowa Parrot Rescue. My husband, Paul, and I have a goal is to provide a safe, secure home for displaced parrots. Just as cats and dogs need shelters, so do Parrots and Companion Birds. In 2008, we opened our home to the plight of the parrot. In 2010 we purchased an independent building for the birds, which sits in front of our house, next to our large bird flight cage.We have a large flight cage outdoors, and a small bird flight cage indoors, both donated by Dr. Ruth Decker of St. Louis. I will never be able to thank her enough. Since 2008, we have taken in over 200 birds and found homes for most of them. We are located on 2 1/2 acres of land just outside of Keokuk, IA. Although, parrots have the intelligence of a human toddler, and the curiosity of a new kitten, they do not have the cuteness and huggable factor of furred pets. Thousands of parrots are abandoned, confined to a dark, neglected basement or die each year due to a lack of shelters or caring homes. Distressed parrots actually suffer depression, just like humans. Unable to express themselves in ways we understand, the rip out their own feathers, and may even begin to chew through their own flesh. Parrots need room to move about, fan their wings, and a healthy safe environment for them to explore. Parrots scream, make messes and love to chew on anything they can get their beaks on. Our parrot rescue provides a safe place for this to occur. Currently we have less than 20 birds on the premises. We have had as many as 145 at one time. Please come back and visit again!