Minutes June 2008


South East Iowa Parrot Rescue Home
Articles of Incorporation
Mission Statement

Incorporators named in the articles of South East Iowa Parrot Rescue, Inc., Ann and Paul Wykowski held an organizational meeting, on June 4, 2008 at the hour of 6:00p.m., at 3554 270th. Avenue, Keokuk, Iowa, U.S.A. to complete the organization of the South East Iowa Parrot Rescue, Inc. by appointing officers, adopting bylaws, verifying our Mission statement, establishing emergency board procedures, and carrying on any other business brought before the meeting.

The articles of South East Iowa Parrot Rescue, Inc. were established and address:
1. Managing and regulating the affairs of the Corporation.

2. Acceptance of regular Bylaws for South East Iowa Parrot Rescue, Inc.

3. Elect officers and complete the organization of the South East Iowa Parrot Rescue, Inc. a)President and Secretary b)Vice President c)Treasurer d)Toys e)Purchasing

4. Elect a board of directors numbering five (5) who shall complete the organization of the South East Iowa Parrot Rescue, Inc.

5. Adopt emergency bylaws as required. The emergency bylaws may provide special procedures necessary for managing South East Iowa Parrot Rescue, Inc during the emergency, including all of the following:

o An emergency meeting may be called by method of telephone, Email, public radio or Television announcements.

o Quorum requirements for the meeting. Three (3)

o Designation of additional or substitute directors.

All provisions of the regular bylaws consistent with the emergency bylaws remain effective during the emergency. The emergency bylaws are not effective after the emergency ends.

Corporate action taken in good faith in accordance with the emergency bylaws does both of the following:
o Binds the Corporation

o Shall not be used to impose liability on a corporate director, officer, employee, or agent.

An emergency exists for purposes of this section if a quorum (3) of the South East Iowa Parrot Rescue, Inc.'s directors cannot readily be assembled because of some catastrophic event.

Bylaws of South East Iowa Parrot Rescue has been accepted as written on June 3, 2008.

South East Iowa Parrot Rescue Directors are stewards of the charity’s financial and other resources. South East Iowa Parrot Rescue ensures that financial resources are used to further charitable purposes and that the organization’s funds are appropriately accounted for by regularly receiving and reviewing up-to-date financial statements and any auditor’s letters or finance and audit committee reports.

Financial Statements.
South East Iowa Parrot Rescue prepares financial statements without any involvement of outside accountants or auditors. South East Iowa Parrot Rescue board may select and oversee an independent auditor.
Form 990PF or 990 N
South East Iowa Parrot Rescue will provide a copy of the Form 990 to the full board for review or approval before it is filed and requires the organization to explain any process of review by its directors or management.
Transparency and Accountability
South East Iowa Parrot Rescue makes full and accurate information about its mission, activities, finance, and governance publicly available, to encourage transparency and accountability to its constituents. South East Iowa Parrot Rescue makes its Form 1023 exemption application, Form 990, and Form 990-T, annual reports, documents, conflict of interest policy and financial statements, are complete and accurate, and are posted on our website,
or available upon request for viewing thereby available to the public.

Email: KeokukBirds@MSN.com