Non Profit Status Pending
Mission Statement
• South East Iowa Parrot Rescue seeks to reduce the number of companion birds living in substandard condition. South East Iowa Parrot Rescue will also seek to place abused, abandoned, lost or otherwise displaced companion birds in either foster care and/or permanent homes. We promise to provide safe housing, a nutritional diet, emotional support and rehabilitation for unwanted and/or homeless psitticine birds of all kinds. (except those with fatal contagious diseases)
• We hope to educate the consumer public about proper care of exotic birds.
• Provide free educational brochures and a website to all interested parties, containing basic bird care, important pre-padoption information, avian intelligence, and pro’s and con’s of parrot ownership.
• And finally, we will to work at a national level with other avian individuals and organizations, and be able to assist in the rescue, placement and rehabilitation of exotic birds in need, or at risk.
South East Iowa Parrot Rescue is a 501(c(3) corporation (status pending) dedicated to improving the lives of avian companions. South East Iowa Parrot Rescue is a no-kill sanctuary. We authorize euthanasia only to end the suffering of a terminally ill or injured animal.
Vision Statement
Our goal is to prevail over avian abuse, neglect and ignorance through rehabilitation, perseverance and education.
Values Statement
We believe that:
A. all avian companions deserve appropriate physical and behavioral care, no matter what their age, health or social background.
B. That providing a source for owner education and problem-solving will decrease the number of abused and neglected birds in our community.
C. Providing accurate information and realistic expectations about avian ownership to the general public will help current and potential owners make responsible, informed decisions regarding their possession and care, thus improving and extending the lives of their avian companions.
South East Iowa Parrot Rescue Main Links
South East Iowa Parrot Rescue Home
SEIPR Learning Folder
SEIPR Articles of Incorporation
SEIPR Bylaws
SEIPR Corporate Seal
SEIPR Financial Statement 2008-09